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How to Integrate Binance Exchange Wallet with UniPayment
How to Integrate Binance Exchange Wallet with UniPayment
Written by Vincent UniPayment
Updated over a week ago

1. Introduction

UniPayment's API integration adheres to the principle of least privilege, requiring only the minimum level of access necessary to perform required operations, ensuring the security of your assets.

This document provides a detailed guide to help users integrate their Binance Exchange Wallet with the UniPayment platform. By integrating the Binance Exchange Wallet, users can directly manage assets received through the UniPayment crypto payment gateway, enhancing security, transaction efficiency, and convenience. The integration process mainly involves obtaining the Binance API Key and Secret Key, authorizing UniPayment, and making the necessary settings.

2. Obtaining Binance API Keys

Step 1: Log in to Your Binance Account and Create an API Key

  • Visit the Binance official website and log in with your account details.

  • On the Dashboard, navigate to the "API Management" (1) section and click "Create API" (2). Then, choose "System generated" (3) in the popup, and click "Next" (4).

  • Name the API, such as "UniPaymentAPI" (5), and click “Next” (6). Follow the prompts to complete the security verification.

Step 2: Set Permissions and Save Your API Key and Secret Key

  • Upon creation, you will receive an API Key and Secret Key.

  • Please securely save this information, as you will need it in the following steps.

  • Ensure that only the read permissions are selected.

Security Tip: UniPayment only requires read access to your API, which means that even if the keys are compromised, your funds cannot be accessed by unauthorized transactions, adding an extra layer of security to your funds.

Important Note: Make sure your Binance Sub Accounts are activated.

3. Authorizing Binance Exchange Wallet on UniPayment

Step 1: Log in to Your UniPayment Account and Navigate to External Wallet

  • Visit the UniPayment official website and log into your account.

  • On the Dashboard, navigate to the "External Wallet" (1) section and click "Wallet" (2).

Step 2: Add a New External Wallet

  • In the Wallet interface, select "Binance" (1) as the "Type" and click "Connect External Wallet" (2).

  • In the popup, select "Binance Exchange Wallet" (3) and click "Next" (4).

Step 3: Enter Binance API Information

  • Enter the name of your API (e.g., "UniPayment API"), your Binance API Key, and Secret Key.

  • After confirming the information is correct, click the "Next" button.

  • Select the blockchains you wish to support.

Security Tip: UniPayment has only read access, meaning that even if UniPayment's platform security is compromised, attackers cannot access your funds.

4. Activating and Setting Up External Wallet for Your App

Step 1: Select the App That Will Use Binance Exchange Wallet

  • After the Binance Exchange Wallet information has been correctly added and saved, you need to select the app to begin using it.

  • On the Dashboard, navigate to the "Payment" (1) section and click "App" (2).

  • Select the app for which you want to enable the External Wallet and click the "Edit" icon (3).

Step 2: Activate and Set Up External Wallet

  • Go to the APP Payment section.

  • In the SETTLE TYPE, choose "Direct Payment External Wallet" (1).

  • In External Wallet, click the wallet name you entered in Part 2 of this document (Obtaining Binance API Keys). For this instance, the wallet name used is “UniPayment API” (2). If you have multiple wallets, ensure you select the correct wallet name. Make other settings as needed, such as auto-refund, notification settings, etc. For more guidance, please refer here.

  • Click "Save", and the system will display a message saying "Update payment app settle config successfully".

  • Return to the Wallet option under External Wallet; the running status indicator should now be green.

  • The integration of the Binance Exchange Wallet with UniPayment is now complete!

5. Confirmation and Testing

  • After ensuring all settings are correct, perform a small test transfer to verify that the integration is successful. Once invoice payment is successful, you will see the payment fund to your Binance Sub Accounts: Asset Management.

  • Check both the UniPayment platform and the Binance account to confirm that the test transaction is correct.

  • Recheck the API permissions, ensuring they are set to read-only.

  • Continuously monitor your account activity to promptly respond to any anomalies.

Important Notes

  • Keep your API Key and Secret Key secure and do not share them with others.

  • When making significant setting changes, ensure the information is accurate.

  • Due to Binance's transfer setting restrictions, using Binance as an external wallet and paying invoices with Binance may lead to incorrect invoice status display because of missing callback signals, preventing correct page redirection. Therefore, whether in testing or regular usage, it is advised to avoid using the Binance wallet for paying invoices when Binance is utilized as an external wallet.

  • If you encounter any issues, please contact UniPayment customer service for assistance promptly.


Successfully integrating your Binance Wallet with the UniPayment platform will significantly enhance the security, efficiency, and convenience of your fund management. We hope this guide assists you in a smooth integration process. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing UniPayment! We look forward to building a more open and secure digital currency payment experience with you.

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